Normal School Year Information


IMPORTANT Parent Pick Up and Drop Off: For safety, there is ‘No Left Turn’ into or out of our South entrance during pick up and drop off times. All parents must approach our entrance from the Old Farms Road direction. This may require extra time in the morning and afternoon when there is a high volume of traffic. Please plan accordingly and be courteous to other drivers.


Helpful Information for TBS Families


General Contact information:

Address: 150 Thompson Rd., Avon, CT 06001

Main Office: 860-404-4870

Fax: 860-404-4873


To report a student absence:

  • Call 860-404-4870 and follow the prompts.


To change dismissal plans:


  • Click to send a pick up note to the office prior to 2:00 p.m.: Pick Up Form
  • If you child's dismissal plans change after 2:00 p.m. on the day of the change then please call the main office to let us know.


Whom Do I Contact if… (Chain of Communication)

Homeroom Teacher for questions or more information about:

Your student’s academic progress

Curriculum/Units of Instruction

Behavioral expectations of your student

Social incidents involving another student 

General concerns involving your student that would be helpful for teachers to know Student Assistance Team and Intervention Services


Specials Teacher for questions or more information about:

Your student’s progress in a special area (Art, PE, Library, Music, Health, Band, Orchestra, Spanish)

Curriculum/Units of Instruction

Behavioral expectations of your student  

Counseling Department for questions or to share information about:

Family issues impacting your student

Concerns about your student’s mental health/well being      

Planning and Placement Team/ Special Education Referral Process

504 plans or General School Counseling Concerns

Community Services

(Gifts of Love, outside counseling resources, etc.)

Mr. Todd Markham         School Psychologist

[email protected]


ext. 5162

Mrs. Christine Talarico  School Counselor

[email protected]


ext. 5163

Mrs. Jessica Abate          Social Worker/

Family Liaison

[email protected]


ext. 5161


School Administration for questions or more information about:

Information given to you from a teacher related to academic progress, behavioral concerns
School Policies & Procedures

If you are not sure who to contact, please call the main office at 860-404-4870 and your call will be referred to the appropriate person.


Email: To email any faculty member search the staff directory.


No events available.